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[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago
I've been searching through the forms, Help & Info and have been unable to find out how to insert images into the background of a page. Where can I go to find out how to do this?

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago
Just click source and use html

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago
I've never been able to get background images working in my stories. i use basic html code that works on a little test page I use, copy it over and the background in the game is just plain old white. Background colours work, but I've never seen background images.

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago
Oh strange! I just figured it would be possible. Have you tried doing it through scripting in the pagetext?

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago

Assuming you're familar with scripting, you could use HTML in your global page script if you wanted the background on every page (or just in the page script of the page you want the background image on if you don't want it on every page).

Simply put in this script:

$PAGETEXT := $PAGETEXT + <body background='URL HERE'>

Make sure that there is only one apostrophe on either side of the url you want to put in - for one reason or another (to do with the website coding stuffing up) quotations/two apostrophes won't work.

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago
Oooo... The CSS way of doing background images doesn't work on this site for some reason , but this actually worked for me :D Thanks, October! Oh, with one minor change in your script... you didn't put the " in where you need them for scripting. So its actually: $PAGETEXT := $PAGETEXT + "" otherwise it'll give you an error in the page script, and guys that don't know much about scripting won't know what to do to fix it. :P Very important, those quotations.

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago

I knew there was something I was missing! Irondale, Zikara's absolutely right, and that's why the double apostrophe/quotation marks can't be used inside the html tags.

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? It's like I'm reading a different language, but I would like to learn how to share funny pics in a forum. Can either of dumb it down for me?

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago

I just copy a thing off the internet than past it in the past box that comes up in the comment box and viol it is in the forum. Then again I use Firefox so it might be different for someone else.

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago

It doesn't work though

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago
Bo, this isn't for forums or for embedding images, the two things you're interested in. This is for making a picture the background of your storygame pages, instead of having a white background.

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago

My bad, disregaurd my previous messages, or just delete them, whichever you feel like.

[Answered] Background Images

13 years ago
Bo. What you want to do is this: 1. Save a picture you want to share in the forums to your computer. 2. Upload said picture onto CYS site in My Stuff. 3. Once your photo is uploaded, click on the image. This should take you to a separate page with just the image. Then, you copy the address bar (the part that says 'http://www.whatever'.) 4. Then you go make a post and while writing it, wherever you want the photo to be just type this: < img src='URL'/> except without the first space, and with URL changed to the address you just copied. And it should work.